Saturday, November 12, 2011

Lucas John

Seven years ago today, I was in labor for the first time in my life. It was a long, hard day. 20+ hours long and hard. But at 9:47pm on Friday, November 12, 2004, my heart loved in a way that it never had before. I had crossed over into the world of motherhood, never to go back to a life where I only was responsible for my own life.

I trusted my body that day. I trusted that my Saviour had created me to birth this child all on my own. I trusted my husband and his support. I trusted my midwife. And when sweet little Lucas John joined our family, our lives were changed forever. I can still remember, as I lay in bed exausted, hearing Gil's voice rising above a newborn cry with a strong but tender tone, "Lucas...It's Daddy." Although I had been up for nearly 24 hours, I didn't sleep a wink that night. I remember just lying there all night in the soft light, running my fingers along the back of my precious little man's neck and stroking his long, dark hair. How could I sleep? I had just completed the most difficult thing I had ever done. And the reward was the biggest prize ever. The Peace Corps has nothing on motherhood. THIS is the toughest job you'll ever love. And love it, I do.

No one celebrates a birthday like mothers. Not our own birthday, certainly, but the birth of our precious children. I am so blessed to be called "Mommy". So today, little man, I wish you a wonderful day as we celebrate you and your seventh year of life. Thank you for blessing your daddy and me. We love you so much!

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