Saturday, November 21, 2009

Lucas' Party

Well, it's only a week later, and I'm just finding time to post photos from Lucas' Birthday party last weekend (can you see a pattern, here?!). Life gets in the way, and that's ok.

We had a fun time celebrating with family and a few of Lucas' friends. Auntie came all the way from Gunnison! Lucas got some super nice toys, books, money, and the game of Trouble. We have been playing that a lot as a family (Ethan likes to pop the little dome thingy).

Lucas has been really into pirates lately, so he wanted to have a pirate party. We found him a great little pirate do rag, an eye patch and hoop pirate earrings. Then he decided not to wear any of it for his party. So, I didn't get any pictures of him in his getup. But we did have a great pirate cake. Lucas and I made this ship model and painted it. Gil drew the jolly roger flag and added the cannons along the sides. Pretty cool, huh?

Gotta love Lucas' reaction to everyone singing Happy Birthday to him! So cute!

Ethan got a little blowing-out-the-candle action, too!


Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

Awesome party fun.

Megan @ SimplyThrifty said...

Looks like fun! Happy Birthday Lucas! You're getting so big! Marcia, I need to call you soon about the pictures!!