Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Thanksgiving

I think Thanksgiving is one of our favorite holidays because it reminds us how truly blessed we are. We are so thankful for the things that God has given us - our health, our home, our families, our precious two sons, and each other. May you find abundant gratitude and joy on this day!

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Kai David Sjoerdsma

Kai David Sjoerdsma came into the world Thursday, November 15, 2007, at 9:47pm. I was so honored about 8 months ago when Val came to me and asked me to photograph her birth. It is an honor to photograph a birth, but to be present at a good friend's birth is truly something special.

Val came to the hospital at 7:30am on Thursday to be induced. Her due date wasn't until November 21st, but her doctor was leaving town and it was really important to Val and Craig that she deliver their baby. The process began very slowly, and on-and-off Texas Holdem got everyone through the day. Val was such a trooper. She opted to have a light epidural after enduring some pretty tough times. She was much more comfortable and still progressed quite well.

Finally, it was time to push. She worked so hard and made great progress. But when the baby moved far enough down the birth canal, his heart rate plummeted and things got very scary very quickly. Val's doctor called for immediate action to get the baby out. We were all very scared, to say the least, because none of us really understood what was happening. In less than a minute, little Kai was out, and the problems were apparent - he was face-up and the cord was wrapped around his neck twice. There were a few moments of silence - to Val and Craig an eternity of silence - before his little body finally responded to the new world in which he had entered. Relief poured over all of us. There were a few minutes of uncertainty that followed as the pediatric doctor checked him over to see if he was alright. He was more than alright - he was perfect. After a rough start to his precious little life, he rebounded amazingly. He spent the night in the nursery, but joined his Mommy and Daddy the next morning. He is doing great - nursing, sleeping, squeaking. Welcome home, Kai David Sjoerdsma! See the slideshow

Monday, November 12, 2007

Happy Birthday, Lucas!

Lucas celebrated his third birthday today! We can't believe he is three. He amazes us everyday with his wit and character. We are so proud of him. We had a party on Saturday to celebrate his big day. He changes so much from year to year. It seams just like yesterday that he didn't understand how to even open presents (he's got that down, now!). He got some really nice things - puzzles, a watercolor paint book, some clothes, and some cashola! He's learning what that is for, too!

Here's his cute invitation that we made!

Gil made this great picture mobile out of some recent photos

Friday, November 9, 2007

I was asked to take pictures at Alpine Christian Academy's annual Field Day on Monday. What fun! Debbie Alcorta had a wonderfully organized event for the first through eighth graders. She had a shoe kick, three-legged race, sprint, softball throw, frisbee throw and gunny sack race. What a hoot! The afternoon ended with an all-school relay race. It was a gorgeous afternoon, and all of the students, teachers and parent-volunteers enjoyed one last beautiful day before the snow flies.