Monday, March 29, 2010

Super cool artist

Check out this amazing artwork by Kristen Graham of Hoot Design Co. Her work was featured on my all time favorite blog, Fresh Art Photography. I consider myself fairly creative and artistic, but this stuff just blows me away. I just love it, and I will have one of these for myself someday. Check her out, and grab one (or two) for a gift while you're at it! These would make serious waves at a baby shower. What a beautiful gift that would last a lifetime. That's why I really want one for myself!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Thank you

I haven't posted in forever, but we've had a lot of things going on. Personal things, so that's my excuse and I'm stickin' with it. We're healing and we're ready for spring and new life. Ready for blooms and gardens, sunshine and sandboxes. My family is my life, and I thank God for them everyday. I also have two beautiful friends that have helped me through these last 4 weeks. Two friends who have called or emailed almost every day. Friends that I called or emailed - several times a day, if needed - and I know you never thought I was crazy. So I say thank you, my dear freinds, for your support, your love, your prayers, and your comforting words. I can't thank you enough. My journey was softened (and continues to be) because of your selfless gifts.