Monday, March 28, 2011

sweet boys

It's time for an update on our happenings and a few photos of the boys. They both seem to grow so quickly and I don't know where the time goes. So here's kind of a mish-mash of our time together inside as we have Ethan has developed quite a fascination for pigs. "Piggies", as he calls them. This little piggie was actually a decoration at a baby shower last fall for our friend, Jaimbea. Along with trusty 'ol blankie, this has become Ethan's very best friend. I helped him make his very own sling for Piggie. Here he's giving Piggie her vitamin. I guess he wants her to stay well! Just a little finger painting. Lucas had a school project to complete and we didn't have the recommended supplies, to we just improvised and painted! Ethan had paint all over the place.

Can't paint without Piggie there watching!

Finally getting around to posting a photo of our toothless guy! I love it! What a precious stage in this little man's life!

And we continue to be amazed by his creativity and ability to learn in school. Here are a couple of his assignments where he had to draw the word that he completed. Just love his little drawings!

Lucas continues to make us so proud with his giving heart. I explained one day that I was going to the Pregnancy Resource Center to volunteer and he couldn't believe that they didn't pay me. I told him how they need money for the services they provide to pregnant moms and he immediately went and got his savings envelope. He counted out 4 twenty dollar bills and told me he wanted to give his money to them. He received a sweet thank you from Jan at the PRC and a beautiful video for his donation. He has since pulled aside another $100 to give to Lift Up. We are so proud of your giving heart, little man.
Catching up from another paint project with Ethan. We get these great little craft projects from Michael's for a dollar.

Most of it actually ended up on the tractor.
Duh. Mommy finally put on his apron. So, why did I let him paint in a white shirt?

My precious little guy is actually asleep. Just got comfy and sacked out.
Oh, we are all so ready for spring. This was another one of those so-why-am-I-letting-them-do-this? projects. Huge mess. But when there's snow on the ground, boys gotta have dirt.

Happy spring! Hope it actually gets here one of these days.