Friday, May 22, 2009

Ten Months

Sweet Baby Ethan is 10 months old today! I cannot believe how fast this year has gone. He is crawling all over the place, and saying DaDaDaDaDa all day long. You'd think that he would say Mama since I'm the one he sees all the time. No. He saves that for when he is distraught or not wanting to be left in his crib for a nap. 'Cause then he knows full well that his mama's heart will melt and he will get rescued. Smart little man.

He still only has two sweet little teeth on the bottom. But he's been working hard at all four front uppers for a couple of weeks now. Lucas had eight teeth by this age. I guess they all go on their own schedule.

He is loving beans and rice! It's a good thing, since that is pretty much our favorite food in this house. He is following in his brother's footsteps, though. "No vegemals", as Lucas used to say. Oh, ya, and Mama's milk. You have to be careful saying the "M" word around him - he'll just about leap out of your arms trying to get to me. It's nice to be loved so much!

Check out those eyebrows! He speaks volumes with those. So many people have commented about how expressive they are.

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