Monday, September 6, 2010

Random familyness

Or family randomness? Either way, you get the picture. Just a few fun shots from recent endeavors. We took the boys bowling last weekend - Ethan's first time. He LOVED it! And what a natural - he was within a few points of beating us all. Of course, that's with bumpers and the little ramp thingy, but Grandpa Joe would be so proud! I was putting him to bed that night and he looked at me and said "Ethie KNOCK that pin o-ver!".

Gil's parents got this shirt for Ethan for his birthday and I think it is so cute! It is certainly his favorite. If he is standing there when I open his drawer in the morning, he pulls it out and says "wear John Deere shirt". There it is. No need arguing.

Isn't this just so typical? One sock on, one sock off. My little man is most content "washing dishes". If I need him to get out from underfoot so I can cook, all I have to do is turn on a little trickle of water and give him a few plastic cups and viola! A very happy boy.

Oh, my little man, where have you gone? You are such a big boy.

1 comment:

Natalie, the Chickenblogger said...

What fun.
These posts, like your children, are treasures you will cherish forever. It's a good idea to record the random moments.