Thursday, July 16, 2009

How many things can I jam pack into one day?

Hit the ground running this morning. Nursed Ethan and hopped in the shower. It was "Crazy Hat" day at Lucas' Vacation Bible School today, so I whipped that up real quick. Out the door. Drove Lucas to VBS in Silt.

I actually got to spend about an hour in the office while Ethan napped.

My little daycare guy came at 11am, and thankfully he was ready for his nap.

Ethan woke up at 11:20am. Nursed again. Made Lucas a sandwich and snacks for his lunch. VBS is over at 12:15pm, so I have been taking his lunch so he can eat in the car on the way home. Grabbed some Cheerios for Ethan and hopped in the car.

Lucas was playing outside when I arrived. He won the "Crazy Hat" award! He was very excited. The ladies at VBS keep asking me if he has any food allergies, because he refuses to eat the cookies or drink the lemonaide. All week. I asked him why he won't eat the cookies and he said he didn't want to get sick (we have told him that too much sugar makes you vulnerable to colds and other sicknesses). I asked him why he won't have any lemonaide and he told me "Because their's is yucky. It's yellow". Hah! We always have raspberry lemonaide, so it's pink.

Stopped at the grocery store on the way home. Forgot my wallet. Got lucky and had some cash in the car.

Back home. Walked in the door and Ethan dropped his sippy cup on the wood floor and woke up Isaac. Ethan is hungry + tired = cranky bug. Made Isaac's bottle. Ran some fruit through the food mill for E. Gil fed E while Isaac begged at the bottom of the high chair like a puppy waiting for scraps.

Heated up Isaac's lunch. Ran that through the food mill (that I had to wash after Ethan's fruit went through it). Gil put E down for his nap. Fed Isaac. Cleaned lunch dishes. Decided that the nap I had really hoped for was definitely not going to happen.

Put brownies in the oven for my mom's birthday dinner tonight. Changed Isaac's diaper. Heated up leftover teriaki tofu from Zheng's for my lunch. Discovered that I hadn't set the timer for the brownies. Hmmm. What time did I put those in the oven?

Sat down to eat my lunch and catch up on my favorite blog (Jodified Photography + Design), which I hadn't read in 3 days. Dryer buzzed. Folded clothes. Finished cold leftovers. Took brownies out of the oven. Got a call from Isaac's dad that he would be late picking him up. Turned off the oven that I forgot to turn off when I took the brownies out.

I guess I will have to wake up Ethan so I can nurse him before I take Lucas to his swimming lesson at 4pm. Rush back in time to make Mom's bday dinner. And wrap her gift. And sign her card. So why am I still sitting here typing?

Gotta go! I'll post a photo of Lucas' winning hat tomorrow! Happy Birthday, Mom!

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