Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Ethan's First Birthday Party

I know I posted some pics last week on Ethan's actual Birthday (the 22nd), but we had his party on Saturday so now I'm going to post some pics from that!

What a fun time! First Birthday parties are all for the parents, aren't they? Little E was overwhelmed, I'm sure. But he was a trooper! He played and hung out, ate cake and opened presents without a clue what all the fuss was about. During the day when we were getting everything ready, Gil kept telling him "You don't have any idea that Mommy and Daddy are doing all this stuff just for you!". Someday he will be able to look at these photos and the video and have a great laugh!
One of my favorite photos from the day!

It was so nice to have a summer party outside. Lucas' birthday is in November, so we are always stuck inside for his party.

Ethan's shirt was custom made by Alison Berry. Thanks, Alison. I love it!

He grabbed his first lick of frosting!

On to bigger and better things...I'll take that candle!

He LOVED my cousin Patty's cane! She would bang it on his tray and he would laugh like crazy! Who needs toys?

(Still laughing at Patty!)

I still can't believe he kept that hat on that whole time!
My sister Shelly and Lucas.

Lucas kept wanting to take a picture with Ethan, but he didn't quite get it that he was squeezing the dickins out of him! Lucas came running over to look at the photos on the back of the camera. He looked at one and said "That's not what I wanted. I wanted Ethan smiling." So we did it again and this is as good as it got!

He was loving this book. He loves books that have the little buttons that you push. After we opened this, he could care less about the other gifts.

Lucas was showing us his dance moves while this little drum was playing music. We were all cracking up!

He loved banging on this little xylophone.

Thanks, everyone, for a great time! Same time next year!

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