Friday, September 18, 2009

Baby Fautsko

I feel that it is a great honor to be asked to photograph another photographer. I had that honor this week with my dear friend, Jenni Fautsko. Jenni and I have become closer over the last year or so since she photographed our home birth with Ethan. I guess it goes unsaid that you probably have to feel pretty comfortable with someone to have them photograph the birth of your baby. I get to return the favor here in a few weeks, and I am so excited. Jenni and Matt's first baby is due on September 29th (Gil's Birthday!).

Jenni and I headed up to Grizzly Creek to do some maternity shots on Tuesday. Gil had photographed me there when I was pregnant with Ethan, and Jenni liked the idea and wanted to do some shots with the creek. Jenni was up for anything (well, within reason with a prego belly!), and I love that. I asked her to lie an a rock, for pete's sake. Is that comfortable at 37 weeks? Definitely not!

Thanks so much Jenni, for allowing me to capture you and your unborn babe. You two are beautiful together!

This is my favorite image from the shoot. The colors, the grass, Jenni's pose - just love it!

Here's that nice comfortable rock that I was talking about. I'm so thankful that Jenni was such a trooper, because I think this is a beautiful image that couldn't have been done without a great model!

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