And what a prize of a model. She slept almost the whole time! When we would move her or adjust her pose, she fussed a little and then settled right back in. Oh, and did I mention that I wanted to bring her home? She'd fit right in my camera bag. I have lenses bigger than her. I guess I'll just have to keep visiting, 'cause I think Erika might notice if she was gone.
I have to add how this little peanut got her name. She wasn't named until she was almost 24 hours old. John and Erika had names picked out weeks ago, but then they were undecided on their girl name. So they each took a sticky note and wrote their pick for her first and middle name. They were exactly the same. So it was official - Hannah Katherine Stone. Beautiful.
Thanks again, you guys. I'm living on adrenaline this week from the amazing experiences I've had with the addition of your new little one.

Beautiful baby! Beautiful photos.
This is a *dangerous* place to visit.
Oh my!
Gracious! These are absolutely breathtaking peanut! Thank you for the amazing work you do. And a heartfelt congratulations to John and Erika - what a precious little lady our Lord has blessed you with! He is so good!
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